About us

Good To Meet You


CedarHouse Partners was formed in 2009 by real estate professionals with diverse backgrounds in residential and commercial disciplines. We pursue investment opportunities in small to mid-size recreational communities adjacent to public lands, water resources and other special places rife with outdoor pursuits. We seek to advise third-parties on their ownership of, and investment in, real estate. We operate according to core principles that guide our behavior and govern our business.

Our offices are located in Montana and Colorado.

Why The Mountain West?

Recreational communities are gateways to treasured public lands, bodies of water, mountain ranges and other areas of environmental and scenic significance. Some of these towns had historical significance as beach heads for natural resource exploration while others were purpose-built resorts. All have made investments in facilities and programs for the arts, medicine, recreation, higher education and transportation.

Aspiration & Beliefs

We strive to help our customers succeed, and at that we have never failed. We attribute our success to our mission. We stand for more than profits. We always put ourselves second to our clients, and most importantly to our community. A rising tide lifts all ships.


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